Microsoft PowerPivot, Power BI Desktop, and SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) Tabular models have a native formula and query language named DAX or Data Analysis Expression. DAX includes a set of functions and operators to perform Dynamic aggregation with the relational data. This page helps you find the list of operators and functions with the respective Step by Step guide we have with DAX.

At the end of this article, you may find some interview questions.

Date and Time FunctionsDATE FunctionDATE(<year>, <month>, <day>)Returns the specified date in datetime format.
Date and Time FunctionsDATEVALUE FunctionDATEVALUE(date_text)Converts a date in the form of text to a date in datetime format.
Date and Time FunctionsDAY FunctionDAY(<date>) <<datetime or text>>Returns the day of the month, a number from 1 to 31.
Date and Time FunctionsEDATE FunctionEDATE(<start_date>, <months>)Returns the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date. Use EDATE to calculate maturity dates or due dates that fall on the same day of the month as the date of issue.
Date and Time FunctionsEOMONTH FunctionEOMONTH(<start_date>, <months>)Returns the date in datetime format of the last day of the month, before or after a specified number of months. Use EOMONTH to calculate maturity dates or due dates that fall on the last day of the month.
Date and Time FunctionsHOUR FunctionHOUR(<datetime>)Returns the hour as a number from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).
Date and Time FunctionsMINUTE FunctionMINUTE(<datetime>)Returns the minute as a number from 0 to 59, given a date and time value.
Date and Time FunctionsMONTH FunctionMONTH(<datetime>)Returns the month as a number from 1 (January) to 12 (December).
Date and Time FunctionsNOW FunctionNOW()The NOW function is useful when you need to display the current date and time on a worksheet or calculate a value based on the current date and time, and have that value updated each time you open the worksheet.
Date and Time FunctionsSECOND FunctionSECOND(<time>)  Returns the seconds of a time value, as a number from 0 to 59.
Date and Time FunctionsTIME FunctionTIME(hour, minute, second)Converts hours, minutes, and seconds given as numbers to a time in datetime format.
Date and Time FunctionsTIMEVALUE FunctionTIMEVALUE(time_text)Converts a time in text format to a time in datetime format.
Date and Time FunctionsTODAY FunctionTODAY()Returns the current date.
Date and Time FunctionsWEEKDAY FunctionWEEKDAY(<date>, <return_type>)Returns a number from 1 to 7 identifying the day of the week of a date. By default the day ranges from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday).
Date and Time FunctionsWEEKNUM FunctionWEEKNUM(<date>, <return_type>)Returns the week number for the given date and year according to the return_type value. The week number indicates where the week falls numerically within a year.
Date and Time FunctionsYEAR FunctionYEAR(<date>)Returns the year of a date as a four digit integer in the range 1900-9999.
Date and Time FunctionsYEARFRAC FunctionYEARFRAC(<start_date>, <end_date>, <basis>)Calculates the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates. Use the YEARFRAC worksheet function to identify the proportion of a whole year’s benefits or obligations to assign to a specific term.
Time Intelligence FunctionsCLOSINGBALANCEMONTH FunctionCLOSINGBALANCEMONTH(<expression>,<dates>[,<filter>])  Evaluates the expression at the last date of the month in the current context.
Time Intelligence FunctionsCLOSINGBALANCEQUARTER Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsCLOSINGBALANCEYEAR Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsDATEADD FunctionDATEADD(<dates>,<number_of_intervals>,<interval>) Returns a table that contains a column of dates, shifted either forward or backward in time by the specified number of intervals from the dates in the current context.
Time Intelligence FunctionsDATESBETWEEN FunctionDATESBETWEEN(<dates>,<start_date>,<end_date>)  Returns a table that contains a column of dates that begins with the start_date and continues until the end_date.
Time Intelligence FunctionsDATESINPERIOD FunctionDATESINPERIOD(<dates>,<start_date>,<number_of_intervals>,<interval>)  Returns a table that contains a column of dates that begins with the start_date and continues for the specified number_of_intervals.
Time Intelligence FunctionsDATESMTD FunctionDATESMTD(<dates>)  Returns a table that contains a column of the dates for the month to date, in the current context.
Time Intelligence FunctionsDATESQTD Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsDATESYTD Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsENDOFMONTH FunctionENDOFMONTH(<dates>)  Returns the last date of the month in the current context for the specified column of dates.
Time Intelligence FunctionsENDOFQUARTER Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsENDOFYEAR Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsFIRSTDATE FunctionFIRSTDATE(<dates>)  Returns the first date in the current context for the specified column of dates.
Time Intelligence FunctionsFIRSTNONBLANK FunctionFIRSTNONBLANK(<column>,<expression>)  Returns the first value in the column, column, filtered by the current context, where the expression is not blank.
Time Intelligence FunctionsLASTDATE FunctionLASTDATE(<dates>)  Returns the last date in the current context for the specified column of dates.
Time Intelligence FunctionsLASTNONBLANK FunctionLASTNONBLANK(<column>,<expression>)  Returns the last value in the column, column, filtered by the current context, where the expression is not blank.
Time Intelligence FunctionsNEXTDAY FunctionNEXTDAY(<dates>)  Returns a table that contains a column of all dates from the next day, based on the first date specified in the dates column in the current context.
Time Intelligence FunctionsNEXTMONTH Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsNEXTQUARTER Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsNEXTYEAR Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsOPENINGBALANCEMONTH FunctionOPENINGBALANCEMONTH(<expression>,<dates>[,<filter>])  Evaluates the expression at the first date of the month in the current context.
Time Intelligence FunctionsOPENINGBALANCEQUARTER Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsOPENINGBALANCEYEAR Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsPARALLELPERIOD FunctionPARALLELPERIOD(<dates>,<number_of_intervals>,<interval>)  Returns a table that contains a column of dates that represents a period parallel to the dates in the specified dates column, in the current context, with the dates shifted a number of intervals either forward in time or back in time.
Time Intelligence FunctionsPREVIOUSDAY FunctionPREVIOUSDAY(<dates>)  Returns a table that contains a column of all dates representing the day that is previous to the first date in the dates column, in the current context.
Time Intelligence FunctionsPREVIOUSMONTH Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsPREVIOUSQUARTER Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsPREVIOUSYEAR Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsSAMEPERIODLASTYEAR FunctionSAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(<dates>)  Returns a table that contains a column of dates shifted one year back in time from the dates in the specified dates column, in the current context.
Time Intelligence FunctionsSTARTOFMONTH FunctionSTARTOFMONTH(<dates>)  Returns the first date of the month in the current context for the specified column of dates.
Time Intelligence FunctionsSTARTOFQUARTER Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsSTARTOFYEAR Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsTOTALMTD FunctionTOTALMTD(<expression>,<dates>[,<filter>])  Evaluates the value of the expression for the month to date, in the current context.
Time Intelligence FunctionsTOTALQTD Function  
Time Intelligence FunctionsTOTALYTD Function  
Filter FunctionsADDMISSINGITEMS FunctionADDMISSINGITEMS(<showAllColumn>[, <showAllColumn>]…, <table>, <groupingColumn>[, <groupingColumn>]…[, filterTable]…) 
ADDMISSINGITEMS(<showAllColumn>[, <showAllColumn>]…, <table>, [ROLLUPISSUBTOTAL(]<groupingColumn>[, <isSubtotal_columnName>][, <groupingColumn>][, <isSubtotal_columnName>]…[)], [, filterTable]…)  
Adds combinations of items from multiple columns to a table if they do not already exist. The determination of which item combinations to add is based on referencing source columns which contain all the possible values for the columns. 
Filter FunctionsALL FunctionALL( {<table> | <column>[, <column>[, <column>[,…]]]} )  Returns all the rows in a table, or all the values in a column, ignoring any filters that might have been applied. This function is useful for clearing filters and creating calculations on all the rows in a table.
Filter FunctionsALLEXCEPT FunctionALLEXCEPT(<table>,<column>[,<column>[,…]])  Removes all context filters in the table except filters that have been applied to the specified columns.
Filter FunctionsALLNOBLANKROW FunctionALLNOBLANKROW(<table>|<column>)  From the parent table of a relationship, returns all rows but the blank row, or all distinct values of a column but the blank row, and disregards any context filters that might exist.
Filter FunctionsALLSELECTED FunctionALLSELECTED([<tableName> | <columnName>])  Removes context filters from columns and rows in the current query, while retaining all other context filters or explicit filters.
Filter FunctionsCALCULATE FunctionCALCULATE(<expression>,<filter1>,<filter2>…)  Evaluates an expression in a context that is modified by the specified filters.
Filter FunctionsCALCULATETABLE FunctionCALCULATETABLE(<expression>,<filter1>,<filter2>,…)  Evaluates a table expression in a context modified by the given filters.
Filter FunctionsCROSSFILTER FunctionCROSSFILTER(<columnName1>, <columnName2>, <direction>)  Specifies the cross-filtering direction to be used in a calculation for a relationship that exists between two columns.
Filter FunctionsDISTINCT FunctionDISTINCT(<column>)  Returns a one-column table that contains the distinct values from the specified column. In other words, duplicate values are removed and only unique values are returned.
Filter FunctionsEARLIER FunctionEARLIER(<column>, <number>)  Returns the current value of the specified column in an outer evaluation pass of the mentioned column.
Filter FunctionsEARLIEST FunctionEARLIEST(<column>)  Returns the current value of the specified column in an outer evaluation pass of the specified column.
Filter FunctionsFILTER FunctionFILTER(<table>,<filter>)  Returns a table that represents a subset of another table or expression.
Filter FunctionsFILTERS FunctionFILTERS(<columnName>)  Returns the values that are directly applied as filters to columnName.
Filter FunctionsHASONEFILTER FunctionHASONEFILTER(<columnName>)  Returns TRUE when the number of directly filtered values on columnName is one; otherwise returns FALSE.
Filter FunctionsHASONEVALUE FunctionHASONEVALUE(<columnName>)  Returns TRUE when the context for columnName has been filtered down to one distinct value only. Otherwise is FALSE.
Filter FunctionsISCROSSFILTERED FunctionISCROSSFILTERED(<columnName>)  Returns TRUE when columnName or another column in the same or related table is being filtered.
Filter FunctionsISFILTERED FunctionISFILTERED(<columnName>)  Returns TRUE when columnName is being filtered directly. If there is no filter on the column or if the filtering happens because a different column in the same table or in a related table is being filtered then the function returns FALSE.
Filter FunctionsKEEPFILTERS FunctionKEEPFILTERS(<expression>)  Modifies how filters are applied while evaluating a CALCULATE or CALCULATETABLE function.
Filter FunctionsRELATED FunctionRELATED(<column>)  Returns a related value from another table.
Filter FunctionsRELATEDTABLE FunctionRELATEDTABLE(<tableName>)  Evaluates a table expression in a context modified by the given filters.
Filter FunctionsSUBSTITUTEWITHINDEX FunctionSUBSTITUTEWITHINDEX(<table>, <indexColumnName>, <indexColumnsTable>, [<orderBy_expression>, [<order>][, <orderBy_expression>, [<order>]]…])  Returns a table which represents a left semijoin of the two tables supplied as arguments. 
Filter FunctionsUSERELATIONSHIP FunctionUSERELATIONSHIP(<columnName1>,<columnName2>)  Specifies the relationship to be used in a specific calculation as the one that exists between columnName1 and columnName2. 
Filter FunctionsVALUES FunctionVALUES(<TableNameOrColumnName>)  Returns a one-column table that contains the distinct values from the specified table or column. In other words, duplicate values are removed and only unique values are returned.
Information FunctionsCONTAINS FunctionCONTAINS(<table>, <columnName>, <value>[, <columnName>, <value>]…)  Returns true if values for all referred columns exist, or are contained, in those columns; otherwise, the function returns false.
Information FunctionsCUSTOMDATA FunctionCUSTOMDATA()  Returns the content of the CustomData property in the connection string.
Information FunctionsISBLANK FunctionISBLANK(<value>)  Checks whether a value is blank, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
Information FunctionsISERROR FunctionISERROR(<value>)  Checks whether a value is an error, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
Information FunctionsISEVEN FunctionISEVEN(number)  Returns TRUE if number is even, or FALSE if number is odd.
Information FunctionsISLOGICAL FunctionISLOGICAL(<value>)  Checks whether a value is a logical value, (TRUE or FALSE), and returns TRUE or FALSE.
Information FunctionsISNONTEXT FunctionISNONTEXT(<value>)  Checks if a value is not text (blank cells are not text), and returns TRUE or FALSE.
Information FunctionsISNUMBER FunctionISNUMBER(<value>)  Checks whether a value is a number, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
Information FunctionsISONORAFTER FunctionISONORAFTER(<scalar_expression>, <scalar_expression>sort_order] [,scalar_expression>, <scalar_expression>, [sort_order][,…])  A boolean function that emulates the behavior of a ‘Start At’ clause and returns true for a row that meets all of the condition parameters. New for 2016.
Information FunctionsISTEXT FunctionISTEXT(<value>)  Checks if a value is text, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
Information FunctionsLOOKUPVALUE FunctionLOOKUPVALUE( <result_columnName>, <search_columnName>, <search_value>[, <search_columnName>, <search_value>]…)  Returns the value in result_columnName for the row that meets all criteria specified by search_columnName and search_value.
Information FunctionsUSERNAME FunctionUSERNAME()  Returns the domain name and username from the credentials given to the system at connection time
Logical FunctionsAND FunctionAND(<logical1>,<logical2>)  Checks whether both arguments are TRUE, and returns TRUE if both arguments are TRUE. Otherwise returns false.
Logical FunctionsFALSE FunctionFALSE()  Returns the logical value FALSE.
Logical FunctionsIF FunctionIF(logical_test>,<value_if_true>, value_if_false)  Checks if a condition provided as the first argument is met. Returns one value if the condition is TRUE, and returns another value if the condition is FALSE.
Logical FunctionsIFERROR FunctionIFERROR(value, value_if_error)  Evaluates an expression and returns a specified value if the expression returns an error; otherwise returns the value of the expression itself.
Logical FunctionsNOT FunctionNOT(<logical>)  Changes FALSE to TRUE, or TRUE to FALSE.
Logical FunctionsOR FunctionOR(<logical1>,<logical2>)  Checks whether one of the arguments is TRUE to return TRUE. The function returns FALSE if both arguments are FALSE.
Logical FunctionsSWITCH FunctionSWITCH(<expression>, <value>, <result>[, <value>, <result>]…[, <else>])  Evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns one of multiple possible result expressions.
Logical FunctionsTRUE FunctionTRUE()  Returns the logical value TRUE.
Math and Trig FunctionsABS FunctionABS(<number>)  Returns the absolute value of a number.
Math and Trig FunctionsACOS FunctionACOS(number)  Returns the arccosine, or inverse cosine, of a number. The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to pi.
Math and Trig FunctionsACOSH Function  
Math and Trig FunctionsASIN Function  
Math and Trig FunctionsASINH Function  
Math and Trig FunctionsATAN Function  
Math and Trig FunctionsATANH Function  
Math and Trig FunctionsCEILING FunctionCEILING(<number>, <significance>)  Rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
Math and Trig FunctionsCOMBIN FunctionCOMBIN(number, number_chosen)  Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items. Use COMBIN to determine the total possible number of groups for a given number of items.
Math and Trig FunctionsCOMBINA FunctionCOMBINA(number, number_chosen)  Returns the number of combinations (with repetitions) for a given number of items.
Math and Trig FunctionsCOS Function  
Math and Trig FunctionsCOSH Function  
Math and Trig FunctionsCURRENCY FunctionCURRENCY(<value>)  Evaluates the argument and returns the result as currency data type.
Math and Trig FunctionsDEGREES FunctionDEGREES(angle)  Converts radians into degrees.
Math and Trig FunctionsDIVIDE FunctionDIVIDE(<numerator>, <denominator> [,<alternateresult>])  Performs division and returns alternate result or BLANK() on division by 0.
Math and Trig FunctionsEVEN FunctionEVEN(number)  Returns number rounded up to the nearest even integer. You can use this function for processing items that come in twos. For example, a packing crate accepts rows of one or two items. The crate is full when the number of items, rounded up to the nearest two, matches the crate’s capacity.
Math and Trig FunctionsEXP FunctionEXP(<number>)  Returns e raised to the power of a given number. The constant e equals 2.71828182845904, the base of the natural logarithm.3
Math and Trig FunctionsFACT FunctionFACT(<number>)  Returns the factorial of a number, equal to the series 1*2*3*…* , ending in the given number.
Math and Trig FunctionsFLOOR FunctionFLOOR(<number>, <significance>)  Rounds a number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.
Math and Trig FunctionsGCD FunctionGCD(number1, [number2], …)  Returns the greatest common divisor of two or more integers. The greatest common divisor is the largest integer that divides both number1 and number2 without a remainder.
Math and Trig FunctionsINT FunctionINT(<number>)  Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.
Math and Trig FunctionsISO.CEILING FunctionISO.CEILING(<number>[, <significance>])  Rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
Math and Trig FunctionsLCM FunctionLCM(number1, [number2], …)  Returns the least common multiple of integers. The least common multiple is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of all integer arguments number1, number2, and so on. Use LCM to add fractions with different denominators.
Math and Trig FunctionsLN FunctionLN(<number>)  Returns the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904).1
Math and Trig FunctionsLOG FunctionLOG(<number>,<base>)  Returns the logarithm of a number to the base you specify.
Math and Trig FunctionsLOG10 FunctionLOG10(<number>)  Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.
Math and Trig FunctionsMOD FunctionMOD(<number>, <divisor>)  Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor. The result always has the same sign as the divisor.
Math and Trig FunctionsMROUND FunctionMROUND(<number>, <multiple>)  Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple.
Math and Trig FunctionsODD FunctionODD(number)  Returns number rounded up to the nearest odd integer.
Math and Trig FunctionsPI FunctionPI()  Returns the value of Pi, 3.14159265358979, accurate to 15 digits.
Math and Trig FunctionsPOWER FunctionPOWER(<number>, <power>)  Returns the result of a number raised to a power.27
Math and Trig FunctionsPRODUCT FunctionPRODUCT(<column>)  Returns the product of the numbers in a column. 
Math and Trig FunctionsPRODUCTX FunctionPRODUCTX(<table>, <expression>)  Returns the product of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. 
Math and Trig FunctionsQUOTIENT FunctionQUOTIENT(<numerator>, <denominator>)  Performs division and returns only the integer portion of the division result. Use this function when you want to discard the remainder of division.
Math and Trig FunctionsRADIANS FunctionRADIANS(angle)  Converts degrees to radians.
Math and Trig FunctionsRAND FunctionRAND()  Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, evenly distributed. The number that is returned changes each time the cell containing this function is recalculated.
Math and Trig FunctionsRANDBETWEEN FunctionRANDBETWEEN(<bottom>,<top>)  Returns a random number in the range between two numbers you specify.
Math and Trig FunctionsROUND FunctionROUND(<number>, <num_digits>)  Rounds a number to the specified number of digits.
Math and Trig FunctionsROUNDDOWN FunctionROUNDDOWN(<number>, <num_digits>)  Rounds a number down, toward zero.
Math and Trig FunctionsROUNDUP FunctionROUNDUP(<number>, <num_digits>)  Rounds a number up, away from 0 (zero).
Math and Trig FunctionsSIGN FunctionSIGN(<number>)  Determines the sign of a number, the result of a calculation, or a value in a column. The function returns 1 if the number is positive, 0 (zero) if the number is zero, or -1 if the number is negative.
Math and Trig FunctionsSQRT FunctionSQRT(<number>)  Returns the square root of a number.3
Math and Trig FunctionsSUM FunctionSUM(<column>)  Adds all the numbers in a column.
Math and Trig FunctionsSUMX FunctionSUMX(<table>, <expression>)  Returns the sum of an expression evaluated for each row in a table.
Math and Trig FunctionsTRUNC FunctionTRUNC(<number>,<num_digits>)  Truncates a number to an integer by removing the decimal, or fractional, part of the number.
Other functionsEXCEPT FunctionEXCEPT(<table_expression1>, <table_expression2>  Returns the rows of one table which do not appear in another table.
Other functionsGROUPBY FunctionGROUPBY (<table>, [<groupBy_columnName1>], [<name>, <expression>]… )  The GROUPBY function is similar to the SUMMARIZE function. However, GROUPBY does not do an implicit CALCULATE for any extension columns that it adds. GROUPBY permits a new function, CURRENTGROUP(), to be used inside aggregation functions in the extension columns that it adds. GROUPBY attempts to reuse the data that has been grouped making it highly performant. 
Other functionsINTERSECT FunctionINTERSECT(<table_expression1>, <table_expression2>)  Returns the row intersection of two tables, retaining duplicates.
Other functionsISEMPTY FunctionISEMPTY(<table_expression>)  Checks if a table is empty. 
Other functionsNATURALINNERJOIN FunctionNATURALINNERJOIN(<leftJoinTable>, <rightJoinTable>)  Performs an inner join of a table with another table. The tables are joined on common columns (by name) in the two tables. If the two tables have no common column names, an error is returned. 
Other functionsNATURALLEFTOUTERJOIN FunctionNATURALLEFTOUTERJOIN(<leftJoinTable>, <rightJoinTable>)  Performs a left outer join of a table with another table. The tables are joined on common columns (by name) in the two tables. If the two tables have no common column names, an error is returned. 
Other functionsSUMMARIZECOLUMNS FunctionSUMMARIZECOLUMNS( <groupBy_columnName> [, < groupBy_columnName >]…, [<filterTable>]…[, <name>, <expression>]…)  Returns a summary table over a set of groups. 
Other functionsUNION FunctionUNION(<table_expression1>, <table_expression2> [,<table_expression>]…)  Creates a union (join) table from a pair of tables. 
Other functionsVARVAR <name> = <expression>  Stores the result of an expression as a named variable, which can then be passed as an argument to other measure expressions. Once resultant values have been calculated for a variable expression, those values do not change, even if the variable is referenced in another expression. 
Parent and Child FunctionsPATH FunctionPATH(<ID_columnName>, <parent_columnName>)  Returns a delimited text string with the identifiers of all the parents of the current identifier, starting with the oldest and continuing until current.
Parent and Child FunctionsPATHCONTAINS FunctionPATHCONTAINS(<path>, <item>)  Returns TRUE if the specified item exists within the specified path.
Parent and Child FunctionsPATHITEM FunctionPATHITEM(<path>, <position>[, <type>])  Returns the item at the specified position from a string resulting from evaluation of a PATH function. Positions are counted from left to right.
Parent and Child FunctionsPATHITEMREVERSE FunctionPATHITEMREVERSE(<path>, <position>[, <type>])  Returns the item at the specified position from a string resulting from evaluation of a PATH function. Positions are counted backwards from right to left.
Parent and Child FunctionsPATHLENGTH FunctionPATHLENGTH(<path>)  Returns the number of parents to the specified item in a given PATH result, including self.
Statistical FunctionsADDCOLUMNS FunctionADDCOLUMNS(<table>, <name>, <expression>[, <name>, <expression>]…)  Adds calculated columns to the given table or table expression.
Statistical FunctionsAVERAGE FunctionAVERAGE(<column>)  Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the numbers in a column.
Statistical FunctionsAVERAGEA FunctionAVERAGEA(<column>)  Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the values in a column. Handles text and non-numeric values.
Statistical FunctionsAVERAGEX FunctionAVERAGEX(<table>,<expression>)  Calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of a set of expressions evaluated over a table.
Statistical FunctionsBETA.DIST FunctionBETA.DIST(x,alpha,beta,cumulative,[A],[B])  Returns the beta distribution. The beta distribution is commonly used to study variation in the percentage of something across samples, such as the fraction of the day people spend watching television.
Statistical FunctionsBETA.INV FunctionBETA.INV(probability,alpha,beta,[A],[B])  Returns the inverse of the beta cumulative probability density function (BETA.DIST).
Statistical FunctionsCHISQ.INV FunctionCHISQ.INV(probability,deg_freedom)  Returns the inverse of the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.
Statistical FunctionsCHISQ.INV.RT FunctionCHISQ.INV.RT(probability,deg_freedom)  Returns the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.
Statistical FunctionsCONFIDENCE.NORM FunctionCONFIDENCE.NORM(alpha,standard_dev,size)  The confidence interval is a range of values. Your sample mean, x, is at the center of this range and the range is x ± CONFIDENCE.NORM. 
Statistical FunctionsCONFIDENCE.T FunctionCONFIDENCE.T(alpha,standard_dev,size)  Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a Student’s t distribution.
Statistical FunctionsCOUNT FunctionCOUNT(<column>)  The COUNT function counts the number of cells in a column that contain numbers.
Statistical FunctionsCOUNTA FunctionCOUNTA(<column>)  The COUNTA function counts the number of cells in a column that are not empty. It counts not just rows that contain numeric values, but also rows that contain nonblank values, including text, dates, and logical values.
Statistical FunctionsCOUNTAX FunctionCOUNTAX(<table>,<expression>)  The COUNTAX function counts nonblank results when evaluating the result of an expression over a table. That is, it works just like the COUNTA function, but is used to iterate through the rows in a table and count rows where the specified expressions results in a nonblank result.
Statistical FunctionsCOUNTBLANK FunctionCOUNTBLANK(<column>)  Counts the number of blank cells in a column.
Statistical FunctionsCOUNTROWS FunctionCOUNTROWS(<table>)  The COUNTROWS function counts the number of rows in the specified table, or in a table defined by an expression.
Statistical FunctionsCOUNTX FunctionCOUNTX(<table>,<expression>)  Counts the number of rows that contain a number or an expression that evaluates to a number, when evaluating an expression over a table.
Statistical FunctionsCROSSJOIN FunctionCROSSJOIN(<table>, <table>[, <table>]…)  Returns a table that contains the Cartesian product of all rows from all tables in the arguments. The columns in the new table are all the columns in all the argument tables.
Statistical FunctionsDATATABLE FunctionDATATABLE (ColumnName1, DataType1, ColumnName2, DataType2…, {{Value1, Value2…}, {ValueN, ValueN+1…}…})  Provides a mechanism for declaring an inline set of data values. 
Statistical FunctionsDISTINCTCOUNT FunctionDISTINCTCOUNT(<column>)  The DISTINCTCOUNT function counts the number of different cells in a column of numbers.
Statistical FunctionsEXPON.DIST FunctionEXPON.DIST(x,lambda,cumulative)  Returns the exponential distribution. Use EXPON.DIST to model the time between events, such as how long an automated bank teller takes to deliver cash. For example, you can use EXPON.DIST to determine the probability that the process takes at most 1 minute.
Statistical FunctionsGENERATE FunctionGENERATE(<table1>, <table2>)  Returns a table with the Cartesian product between each row in table1 and the table that results from evaluating table2 in the context of the current row from table1.
Statistical FunctionsGENERATEALL FunctionGENERATEALL(<table1>, <table2>)  Returns a table with the Cartesian product between each row in table1 and the table that results from evaluating table2 in the context of the current row from table1.
Statistical FunctionsGEOMEAN FunctionGEOMEAN(<column>)  Returns the geometric mean of the numbers in a column. 
Statistical FunctionsGEOMEANX FunctionGEOMEANX(<table>, <expression>)  Returns the geometric mean of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. 
Statistical FunctionsMAX FunctionMAX(<column>)  Returns the largest numeric value in a column.
Statistical FunctionsMAXA FunctionMAXA(<column>)  Returns the largest value in a column. Logical values and blanks are counted.
Statistical FunctionsMAXX FunctionMAXX(<table>,<expression>)  Evaluates an expression for each row of a table and returns the largest numeric value.
Statistical FunctionsMEDIAN FunctionMEDIAN(<column>)  Returns the median of numbers in a column. 
Statistical FunctionsMEDIANX FunctionMEDIANX(<table>, <expression>)  Returns the median number of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. 
Statistical FunctionsMIN FunctionMIN(<column>)  Returns the smallest numeric value in a column. Ignores logical values and text.
Statistical FunctionsMINA FunctionMINA(<column>)  Returns the smallest value in a column, including any logical values and numbers represented as text.
Statistical FunctionsMINX FunctionMINX(<table>, < expression>)  Returns the smallest numeric value that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table.
Statistical FunctionsPERCENTILE.EXC FunctionPERCENTILE.EXC(<column>, <k>)  Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range, where k is in the range 0..1, exclusive. 
Statistical FunctionsPERCENTILE.INC FunctionPERCENTILE.INC(<column>, <k>)  Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range, where k is in the range 0..1, inclusive. 
Statistical FunctionsPERCENTILEX.EXC FunctionPERCENTILEX.EXC(<table>, <expression>, k)  Returns the percentile number of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. 
Statistical FunctionsPERCENTILEX.INC FunctionPERCENTILEX.INC(<table>, <expression>;, k)  Returns the percentile number of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. 
Statistical FunctionsPOISSON.DIST FunctionPOISSON.DIST(x,mean,cumulative)  Returns the Poisson distribution. A common application of the Poisson distribution is predicting the number of events over a specific time, such as the number of cars arriving at a toll plaza in 1 minute.
Statistical FunctionsRANK.EQ FunctionRANK.EQ(<value>, <columnName>[, <order>])  Returns the ranking of a number in a list of numbers.
Statistical FunctionsRANKX FunctionRANKX(<table>, <expression>[, <value>[, <order>[, <ties>]]])  Returns the ranking of a number in a list of numbers for each row in the table argument.
Statistical FunctionsROW FunctionROW(<name>, <expression>[[,<name>, <expression>]…])  Returns a table with a single row containing values that result from the expressions given to each column.
Statistical FunctionsSAMPLE FunctionSAMPLE(<n_value>, <table>, <orderBy_expression>, [<order>[, <orderBy_expression>, [<order>]]…])  Returns a sample of N rows from the specified table.
Statistical FunctionsSELECTCOLUMNS FunctionSELECTCOLUMNS(<table>, <name>, <scalar_expression> [, <name>, <scalar_expression>]…) Adds calculated columns to the given table or table expression.
Statistical FunctionsSIN FunctionSIN(number)  Returns the sine of the given angle.
Statistical FunctionsSINH FunctionSINH(number)  Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.
Statistical FunctionsSTDEV.P FunctionSTDEV.P(<ColumnName>)  Returns the standard deviation of the entire population.
Statistical FunctionsSTDEV.S FunctionSTDEV.S(<ColumnName>)  Returns the standard deviation of a sample population.
Statistical FunctionsSTDEVX.P FunctionSTDEVX.P(<table>, <expression>)  Returns the standard deviation of the entire population.
Statistical FunctionsSTDEVX.S FunctionSTDEVX.S(<table>, <expression>)  Returns the standard deviation of a sample population.
Statistical FunctionsSQRTPI FunctionSQRTPI(number)  Returns the square root of (number * pi).
Statistical FunctionsSUMMARIZE FunctionSUMMARIZE(<table>, <groupBy_columnName>[, <groupBy_columnName>]…[, <name>, <expression>]…)  Returns a summary table for the requested totals over a set of groups.
Statistical FunctionsTAN FunctionTAN(number)  Returns the tangent of the given angle.
Statistical FunctionsTANH FunctionTANH(number)  Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
Statistical FunctionsTOPN FunctionTOPN(<n_value>, <table>, <orderBy_expression>, [<order>[, <orderBy_expression>, [<order>]]…])  Returns the top N rows of the specified table.
Statistical FunctionsVAR.P FunctionVAR.P(<columnName>)  Returns the variance of the entire population.
Statistical FunctionsVAR.S FunctionVAR.S(<columnName>)  Returns the variance of a sample population.
Statistical FunctionsVARX.P FunctionVARX.P(<table>, <expression>)  Returns the variance of the entire population.
Statistical FunctionsVARX.S FunctionVARX.S(<table>, <expression>)  Returns the variance of a sample population.
Statistical FunctionsXIRR FunctionXIRR(<table>, <values>, <dates>, [guess])  Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic. 
Statistical FunctionsXNPV FunctionXNPV(<table>, <values>, <dates>, <rate>)  Returns the present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic. 
Text functionsBLANK FunctionBLANK()  Returns a blank.
Text functionsCODE FunctionCODE(text)  Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. The returned code corresponds to the character set used by your computer.
Text functionsCONCATENATE FunctionCONCATENATE(<text1>, <text2>)  Joins two text strings into one text string.
Text functionsCONCATENATEX FunctionCONCATENATEX(<table>, <expression>, [delimiter])  Concatenates the result of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. 
Text functionsEXACT FunctionEXACT(<text1>,<text2>)  Compares two text strings and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same, FALSE otherwise. EXACT is case-sensitive but ignores formatting differences. You can use EXACT to test text being entered into a document.
Text functionsFIND FunctionFIND(<find_text>, <within_text>[, [<start_num>][, <NotFoundValue>]])  Returns the starting position of one text string within another text string. FIND is case-sensitive.
Text functionsFIXED FunctionFIXED(<number>, <decimals>, <no_commas>)  Rounds a number to the specified number of decimals and returns the result as text. You can specify that the result be returned with or without commas.
Text functionsFORMAT FunctionFORMAT(<value>, <format_string>)  Converts a value to text according to the specified format.
Text functionsPre-Defined Numeric Formats for the FORMAT Function  
Text functionsCustom Numeric Formats for the FORMAT Function  
Text functionsPre-defined Date and Time formats for the FORMAT Function  
Text functionsCustom Date and Time formats for the FORMAT Function  
Text functionsLEFT FunctionLEFT(<text>, <num_chars>)  Returns the specified number of characters from the start of a text string.
Text functionsLEN FunctionLEN(<text>)  Returns the number of characters in a text string.
Text functionsLOWER FunctionLOWER(<text>)  Converts all letters in a text string to lowercase.
Text functionsMID FunctionMID(<text>, <start_num>, <num_chars>)  Returns a string of characters from the middle of a text string, given a starting position and length.
Text functionsREPLACE FunctionREPLACE(<old_text>, <start_num>, <num_chars>, <new_text>)  REPLACE replaces part of a text string, based on the number of characters you specify, with a different text string.
Text functionsREPT FunctionREPT(<text>, <num_times>)  Repeats text a given number of times. Use REPT to fill a cell with a number of instances of a text string.
Text functionsRIGHT FunctionRIGHT(<text>, <num_chars>)  RIGHT returns the last character or characters in a text string, based on the number of characters you specify.
Text functionsSEARCH FunctionSEARCH(<find_text>, <within_text>[, [<start_num>][, <NotFoundValue>]])  Returns the number of the character at which a specific character or text string is first found, reading left to right. Search is case-insensitive and accent sensitive.
Text functionsSUBSTITUTE FunctionSUBSTITUTE(<text>, <old_text>, <new_text>, <instance_num>)  Replaces existing text with new text in a text string.
Text functionsTRIM FunctionTRIM(<text>)  Removes all spaces from text except for single spaces between words.
Text functionsUPPER FunctionUPPER (<text>)  Converts a text string to all uppercase letters
Text functionsVALUE FunctionVALUE(<text>)  Converts a text string that represents a number to a number.

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